Card Reading 30th April 2019

Good Morning Beautiful Souls

Make Change and Embrace New Beginnings… This is the meaning that I feel is potent for a number One day in a numerological sense…

Change isn’t easy for all, it can be hard and it can be exciting… It depends on the vibration in which you wish to experience Change… I choose the highest of vibrations…

On this Glorious Tuesday I have awoken with purpose and drive, a motivation unlike that which I have experienced for some few days now and I feel Joy, I feel Connected with All of Life and I Am so very Happy for this realisation…

So many of us will willingly go along with whatever flow picks us up and if we aren’t conscious of the happening of it our free will gets muddled into the doings of things that may not be in alignment with our calling, the reason why we are here… And the trick is to catch these moments of flow sweeping us up to question, Is this the flow that is for me, Is it in my Highest Good to be within this flow? Just asking these questions opens our mind up to the greater mysteries of our Soul Purpose.

This morning I have decided to ask the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Deck for guidance for our World and as I like shuffling more than the one time I will shuffle Seven times and then turn the First card over to read out our message for today, to add my vibration to send this cards meaning out into the cosmos…

Our card for today is… Archangel Hanael with the message of Integrity

and the message reads…

“There is a need for you to take a look at the essential parts of your life, and the notion of integration. The force of Integrity within Hanael turns untruthful challenges into opportunities for truthful acceleration, just as the eternal compasses of life teach that Truth brings us to integration and centeredness in life. The ancient scales will always weigh your Heart for truth. Please say a prayer to Hanael, who will help to clarify any illusion, and move you to what is absolutely Pure within your Soul. Say Ra Ma Ti Ma Ra three times. This is an Ancient Atlantean chant that will strengthen you and bring sacred clarity, and you will feel blessed.”

Blessings to Us All that we learn Integrity and are able to live with this quality shining our way forward into Truth.

In Love and In Light


30th of April 2019

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